In this post, we’ll unpack all you need to know about cigar smoking, including a brief history, the anatomy of a cigar, types of cigars, how to chose a cigar, how to smoke a cigar, how to store cigars and more.
A Brief History
Cigar smoking is a rich tradition with deep cultural roots that has been celebrated across centuries and continents.
What attracts people to cigar smoking is the experience — the ritual, the flavour and the camaraderie. Cigar smoking is a bonding ritual and social lubricant.
The Anatomy Of A Cigar
A cigar is composed of three layers.
The first outermost layer is referred to as the wrapper and is responsible for much of the cigar’s flavour and appearance.
The second middle layer is referred to as the binder and is responsible for holding the filler together and maintaining the cigar’s shape.
The third innermost layer is referred to as the filler and is responsible for the strength and complexity of the flavour.
Types Of Cigars
Cigars come in various shapes and sizes, known as vitolas, each offering a different smoking experience. The origin of the cigar’s tobacco also plays a significant role in its flavour profile.
Cigar Sizes
The size of a cigar significantly affects its flavour profile, with smaller sizes often yielding a more intense smoking experience. This is due to the higher wrapper-to-filler ratio in thinner cigars, which enhances certain taste notes.
The thickness or more specifically, the diameter, of a cigar is referred to as its ring gauge.
Ring gauge is measured in 64ths of an inch. For example, a ring gauge of 64 would be one inch in diameter.
The primary ranges of ring gauges are:
- Slim, which typically ranges from 26 to 38 ring gauge. These cigars include panetelas and lanceros.
- Regular, which typically ranges from 39 to 49 ring gauge. These cigars include coronas and petit coronas.
- Thick, which typically ranges from 50 to 60 ring gauge. These cigars include robustos and toros.
- Extra thick, which typically is over 60 ring gauge. These cigars include gordos and double toros.
Cigar Flavours
The flavour of a cigar is referred to as its body.
The primary ranges of body for cigars are:
- Mild which are cigars that are light and gentle in flavour.
- Medium which are cigars that are balanced in flavour without being too overpowering.
- Full which are cigars that are rich, robust and intense in flavour.
Each body offers a distinct experience, catering to different preferences and occasions.
How to Choose a Cigar
There are a number of factors to consider when deciding what cigar to smoke.
Firstly, taste preferences. Consider whether you prefer earthy, spicy, sweet or other flavour notes.
Secondly, strength and flavour profile. Consider whether you prefer a mild, medium or full-bodied cigar based on your experience and tolerance.
Thirdly, size and smoking time. Consider how much time you have and choose a cigar length and ring gauge that fits your schedule.
Fourthly, brand reputation. Consider well-known brands for consistent quality and a reliable smoking experience.
Ultimately, the choice of cigar is a matter of personal preference. Smokers are encouraged to explore and experiment. Finding the right cigar will enhance the experience.
How To Smoke A Cigar
Smoking a cigar involves three main steps.
Firstly, cutting the cigar. Choose your preferred cutter — either a guillotine, V-cutter or punch — and make a clean cut just above the cap. This ensures a good draw.
Secondly, lighting the cigar. Choose your preferred lighter — either a butane lighter, wooden match or cedar spill — and light your cigar by holding the flame just below the foot of the cigar, rotating it until it’s evenly lit.
Thirdly, smoking the cigar. Take slow, deliberate puffs, letting the smoke roll over your palate to fully appreciate the flavours. Hold the cigar between your thumb and index finger and rotate it occasionally to ensure an even burn.
Cigar Storage & Maintenance
Proper storage is essential to maintain a cigar’s quality.
The best way to store cigars is in a humidor. A humidor is a box designed to maintain the ideal humidity level (around 70%) for cigars. Humidors come in all shapes and sizes.
Before using a new humidor, it needs to be seasoned to achieve the right humidity level. This process involves raising the moisture level to create an ideal environment for storing cigars.
You can also choose to age your cigars, much like fine wine. Aging allows the tobacco to mellow and develop more complex flavours. Depending on your preference, you can age cigars for several months or even years.
Pairing Cigars With Beverages
Pairing a cigar with the right beverage can elevate your smoking experience.
When pairing, consider matching the strength and flavour of the cigar with your drink. For example, a full-bodied cigar might overpower a delicate wine, while a robust whiskey could enhance it.
Popular pairings include whiskey, rum, cognac, coffee and tea. Although less common, some wines and beers can also pair well with certain cigars.
Troubleshooting Common Cigar Issues
Below are some of the most common issues when smoking cigars.
How To Relight A Cigar
If your cigar goes out, gently tap off the ash, blow through the cigar to clear any stale smoke and relight it as you normally would.
Summary (TL;DR)
Cigar smoking is a time-honored tradition that offers a unique and pleasurable experience.
Factors that influence the smoking experience include taste, strength, flavour, size, smoking times and also brand reputation.
Proper storage is essential to maintaining the quality of a cigar. The best way to store cigars is in a humidor.