The 3 Decisions That Shape Every Moment Of Your Life

The 3 D’s – The 3 Decisions That Shape Every Moment Of Your Life

In this post, we’ll unpack the three decisions (3 D’s) that shape every moment of our lives, defining what they are, how they impact us and more.

The 3 Decisions (3 D’s) That Shape Every Moment Of Your Life

Decisions determine what we attract into our lives ― success or failure, fulfilment or dissatisfaction, growth or decay. However, there are three specific decisions that everyone makes in every moment of their lives that shape the very quality of their lives.

If you don’t control your decisions, you don’t control your life. While there are countless decisions you are required to each and every day, there are three key decisions that you make in every moment of your waking existence that determine the quality of your life. They are:

  1. What am I going to focus on?
  2. What does this mean?
  3. What will I do?

If you make these decisions unconsciously, you risk living an ordinary life. However, if you make these decisions consciously, you’ll immediately set yourself up for an extraordinary life filled with happiness, fulfilment and success.

Below we’ll unpack each of these decisions in more depth.

  • 1) What am I going to focus on?

The first decision that shapes the quality of your life is determining what you focus on.

An undirected mind operates naturally in survival mode, constantly identifying and magnifying anything that it perceives as a potential threat or danger to your well-being. The result? A life filled with stress and anxiety.

However, you have the power to consciously chose what you focus on. When you shift your focus, you shift your perspective and the lens through which you see life. You see and experience the world in an entirely new way.

Are you focusing on what is right or wrong with your life? Are you focusing on what you can or can’t control? What you do want or do have or what you don’t want or don’t have? Are you focusing on the past, present or future?

When you consciously direct your focus, you immediately begin aligning yourself with your goals and the life you desire.

  • 2) What does this mean?

The second decision that shapes the quality of your life is determining the meaning you give to your experiences.

Many people are unaware of the affects that occur when the subconscious mind is left to assign meanings to their experiences. As a consequence, they risk feeling helpless and unnecessary suffering.

However, you have the power to consciously chose what meanings you give to your experiences. This is important because nothing in life has any meaning except the meaning you give it. Meaning creates emotion and emotion controls your life. Positive meanings create positive emotions. Negative meanings create negative emotions.

Are you giving a meaning to your experiences that empowers or disempowers you? Do you see challenges as problems or opportunities to learn and grow? When you go through a crisis, is it the end or the beginning of something special? Is life working for you or against you? Is God punishing you or challenging you?

When you consciously attach empowering meanings to your experiences, you set in motion an entirely new set of actions.

  • 3) What will I do?

The third decision that shapes the quality of your life is determining what actions you will take.

Many people spend their entire lives reacting to their environment instead of responding.

Your actions ― what you either do or do not do― are shaped by your emotional state. You will engage in an entirely different set of actions when you are in a positive state compared to when you are in a negative state.

Everything is either growing or dying. Thus, are you progressing or regressing? Are you taking actions that move you towards your goals and dreams or away from them?

Your actions ultimately determine your destiny. Therefore, when you consciously respond to your experiences and take empowering action, you put yourself on the path to a happier, more fulfilled and more successful life.

Summary (TL;DR)

In every moment of your life you are choosing what to focus on, what meaning you give to your experiences and what actions you are going to take. These three decisions determine your destiny.

The ultimate power we all have in common is the power to chose. When you chose to focus on things that empower you, when you chose to give meanings to your experiences that empower you and when you chose to take empowering actions, you immediately align yourself with your goals and the life you desire and set yourself up for more happiness, fulfilment and success.