Pleasure Versus Joy Explained Simply

Pleasure Versus Joy – All You Need To Know

In this post, we’ll unpack all you need to know about pleasure and joy, defining exactly what they are, distinguishing the differences, how to harness both states and more.

What Is Pleasure?

Pleasure refers to a temporary feeling of satisfaction that is derived from external experiences, often providing instant gratification.

What Is Joy?

Joy refers to an enduring sense of contentment that is derived from internal experiences, often providing deeper fulfilment.

What Is The Difference Between Pleasure & Joy?

Pleasure is derived externally. Joy is derived internally.

Pleasure is about the result. Joy is about the process.

Pleasure is the end to a means. Joy is the means to an end.

Pleasure is finite. Joy is infinite.

Pleasure is rooted in the body. Joy is rooted in the soul.

“Joyful madness is better than death-like sanity.” — Sadhguru

Pleasure Versus Joy Table Summary


How To Leverage Both

The key to leveraging both pleasure and joy is to build the foundation of our lives with the lasting quality of joy whilst fully embracing the temporary moments of pleasure.

In doing so, you become the Master of your Destiny instead of a Slave to your Fate.

“From joy people are born; for joy they live; in joy they melt at death. Death is an ecstasy, for it removes the burden of the body and frees the soul of all pain springing from body identification.” Yogananda

Summary (TL;DR)

Pleasure refers to a temporary feeling of satisfaction that is derived from external experiences . Joy refers to an enduring sense of contentment that is derived from internal experiences.

The key to leveraging both states is to build the foundation of our lives with the lasting quality of joy whilst also fully embracing the temporary moments of pleasure.