Fat Loss According To The System of Ayurveda

Fat Loss According To Ayurveda – All You Need To Know

In this post we’ll explore fat loss through the lens of Ayurveda, explaining how and why fat forms in the first place, Ayurveda’s approach to increasing fat loss, Ayurvedic strategies for maximising fat loss and more.

Why Fat Forms According To Ayurveda

According to Ayurveda, fat is the result of ama ― toxins that accumulate in the body as a by-product of weak digestion. While some of these toxins are water soluble and easier to remove from the body, others are fat soluble and get stored within fat cells, clogging the digestive system in the process.

Over time, the more toxins that accumulate, the more the fat cells expand, the more difficult it is to remove them from the body and ultimately the more difficult it is to lose weight. This also leads to those hard-to-remove pockets of fat around the stomach, hips and thighs.

How To Approach Fat Loss According To Ayurveda

The Ayurvedic approach to fat loss focuses on removing ama from the body, which in turn shrinks the fat cells. This approach can be used as both a restorative measure in order to eliminate toxins from the body and a preventative measure in order to minimise toxins in the first place.

18 Natural Strategies To Maximise Fat Loss According To Ayurveda

Ayurveda provides us with natural, practical, sustainable and effective strategies for achieving fat loss, ensuring we can achieve our fat loss goals in a healthy and lasting way. These include:

  1. Avoid Snacking Between Meals
  2. Chew Your Food
  3. Cleanse Your Tongue
  4. Consume Aloe Vera
  5. Consume Cinnamon
  6. Consume Fenugreek
  7. Consume Ground Ginger
  8. Consume Pepper
  9. Consume Triphala
  10. Consume Warm Water & Lemon First Thing In The Morning
  11. Consume Warm Or Hot Water Between Meals
  12. Eat 3 Satisfying Meals A Day
  13. Eat A Kapha-Pacifying Diet
  14. Exercise At Least 3 Times A Week
  15. Include All 6 Flavours In Your Meals
  16. Make Lunch Your Biggest Meal
  17. Get Good Quality Sleep
  18. Walk While Holding Your Stomach In

When applied individually, these strategies are effective. When applied collectively, these strategies provide us with the ability to truly maximise our success in not only getting fat off, but keeping it off.


According to Ayurveda, fat is the result of toxins that accumulate in the body due to weak digestion. Thus, in order to achieve fat loss, Ayurveda focuses on removing these toxins which causes fat cells to decrease in size.

By harnessing the knowledge and wisdom of Ayurveda and applying its strategies, we can maximise the success of our fat loss goals in a way that is natural, practical, sustainable and effective way.