In this post, we’ll unpack all you need to know about a High Value Man within the context of dating and relationships, defining exactly what the term means, the qualities that universally define a HMV and more.
What Is A High Value Man?
A High Value Man (HVM) is a term often used within Red Pill communities to describe a male individual who embodies characteristics associated with traditional masculinity that are deemed desirable by women.
“A High Value Man is someone who other men want to be and other women want to be with.”
The 3 Pillars Of A High Value Man
The characteristics that generally constitute what a HVM are subjective. However, there are a number of characteristics that are universally accepted.
From an evolutionary perspective, the qualities that women traditionally find attractive in men are those that enhance survival and reproduction. Thus, the three core pillars that form the foundation of a HVM are:
- Physique which indicates a man’s ability to protect.
- Recourses which indicates a man’s ability to provide.
- Status which indicates a man’s ability to influence.
There are also a number of other qualities that make a man desirable in the eyes of women. Confidence which indicates competence. Emotional intelligence which indicates the ability to foster healthy relationships. Leadership which indicates the ability to guide others. Ambition which indicates commitment to future success.
When a man develops and then demonstrates these qualities, he increases his Sexual Market Value and therefore his chances of success in the Sexual Market Place.
A High Value Man is an individual who possesses a combination of traditional masculine qualities that make him desirable by women.
The three core pillars that form the foundation of a HVM are physique, recourses and status. Other qualities that make a man desirable in the eyes of women include confidence, emotional intelligence, leadership and ambition.