Incantations Explained Simply

Incantations Explained – All You Need To Know

In this post, we’ll unpack all you need to know about incantations, defining exactly what they are, the science behind them, how to create them, how to use them and more.

What Are Incantations?

Rooted in ancient traditions, incantations are empowering statements that are repeated in a ritualistic manner with the intent of conditioning new beliefs into the subconscious mind to create a specific desired outcome.

The Science

Incantations harness all three factors of the Emotional Triad ― physiology, focus and language ― to generate emotion and wire new beliefs into our subconscious mind ― our nervous system.

Since we are hardwired to think, feel and act in alignment with our subconscious mind, with enough repetition, we will see ourselves automatically aligning with these new beliefs.

The Difference Between Affirmations & Incantations

Both affirmations and incantations are the same in terms the desired outcome. However, they are different in terms of their process.

Affirmations are usually recited without emotion or physiology. Incantations are usually recited with emotion and physiology and are therefore a more effective way of conditioning the subconscious mind.

How To Create Them

Creating effective incantations involves two important steps. Firstly you must clearly define the outcome that you want. Secondly you must construct a statement that encapsulates the outcome that you want. Use words that are positive, present-tense and emotionally charged.

Incantations need to be in the first person, in the present tense, have positive language, have precise language and powerful language.

How To Use Them

The key to using incantations is to repeatedly recite your statement out loud whilst moving your body, visualising your desired outcome, generating emotion and emphasising specific language. You must also embody what you are saying.

The more you recite the incantation with repetition and emotion, the deeper you embed it into your subconscious mind. Thus, in doing so, you become the Master of your Destiny instead of a Slave to your Fate.


Incantations are empowering statements that are repeated with the intent of conditioning the subconscious mind.

They must be specific to the outcome you want and must use words that are positive, present-tense and emotionally charged.

The key to using them is to fully embody them by harnessing the power of physiology, visualisation, emotion and language.