In this post, we’ll unpack all you need to know about the Law Of Gender, defining exactly what it is, examples, how to leverage it for success and more.
What Is The Law Of Gender?
The Law Of Gender (LoG) states that everything in the universe has both masculine and feminine energies and that everything has a gestation.
“Gender is in everything; everything has its masculine and feminine principles; gender manifests on all planes.” ― Kybalion
A Deeper Look
According to the LoG, everything has both masculine and feminine qualities, but they are present in different quantities ― some things are more masculine in nature while other things are more feminine in nature.
What Is An Example Of The Law Of Gender?
An example of the LoG is the biological roles of male and female in reproduction, where both are necessary to create new life and the typical gestation period for a new-born baby is nine months.
How To Leverage It
There are two key ways to leverage the Law Of Gender.
Firstly, we must cultivate and maintain a balance between both masculine and feminine energies. In doing so, we can live more authentically.
Secondly, we must consistently focus on our goals and the life we desire by. In doing so, we can reduce the time it takes to achieve our desired outcomes.
When you successfully leverage the LoG, you become the Master of your Destiny instead of a Slave to your Fate.
Summary (TL;DR)
The Law Of Gender tells us that everything has both masculine and feminine energy and that everything has an incubation period before it can manifest.
The two keys to leveraging the LoG is firstly, cultivating and maintaining a balance between both masculine and feminine energies and secondly, consistently focusing on our goals and the life we desire.