The Science Of Progress Explained Simply

The Science Of Progress – All You Need To Know

In this post, we’ll unpack all you need to know about the science of progress, defining exactly what it is, why it’s important, the key steps and more.

The Science Of Progress

The Science Of Progress refers to the exact systematic process that drives continuous improvement in any area of pursuit.

Why It’s Important

Success is about doing more of what does work and less of what doesn’t work.

Therefore, by understanding The Science Of Progress, we can maximise the success of our goals and the life we desire by ensuring we focus our time and energy on what does work.

The 5 Steps To The Science Of Progress

No matter what you are trying to achieve, there is an exact science to ensuring progress and optimising success. There are 5 steps to The Science Of Progress.

  • 1) Identify A Goal

This is where you define your desired goal.

Your goal must be hyper-specific, it must be quantifiable and it must include a date by which you must achieve it.

  • 2) Identify The Obstacle

This is where you create a hypothesis for what’s standing between you and your goal.

Your hypothesis may not necessarily be true, but it is your best informed assumption based on the limited data available.

  • 3) Identify A Strategy

This is where you come up with a plan to eliminate the gap between you and your goal.

The strategy may not necessarily be successful, but it is your best informed strategy based on your current level of knowledge.

  • 4) Test Your Strategy

This is where you apply your strategy and take action towards your goal.

You must commit to tour strategy to the best of your ability to ensure you obtain meaningful results.

  • 5) Analyse The Results

This is where you evaluate the results of your strategy.

You must analyse the data as objectively as possible. You can then use this information to repeat the cycle again, only this time more intelligently.

Emotions are subjective, thus they are biased. Consequently, progress requires that we use logic.

Results are the most information rich data stream that exist.

Science Of Progress Quick-Take

  1. Identify your goal.
  2. Identify what’s standing between you and your goal.
  3. Identify a strategy to eliminate the gap between you and your goal.
  4. Test your strategy.
  5. Analyse the results.

With each new cycle, you are approaching your goal from a more informed position.

“Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently.” — Henry Ford

Summary (TL;DR)

The Science Of Progress refers to the specific systematic process that drives continuous improvement in any area of pursuit.

Progress is the process of identifying a goal, identifying what is currently standing between you and that goal, identifying a strategy to close the gap, testing your strategy and then analysing and using the results as a foundation for the next cycle.