Game In Red Pill Dating & Relationships Explained Simply

Game Explained (Red Pill) – All You Need To Know

In this post, we’ll unpack all you need to know about game within the context of within the context of dating and relationships, defining exactly what it is, its adaptive role in evolution, how to apply it and more.

What Is Game?

Game, within the context of intersexual dynamics, is a term often used within Red Pill communities that refers to behaviours and strategies that are used to create and maintain attraction between genders.

Everyone has game. Everyone has a set of behaviours and strategies that they believe will best facilitate their goal of quality relationships. What matters is how effective those behaviours are strategies are.

Game is applied either consciously unconsciously. It is either effective or ineffective.

The Evolutionary Perspective

From an evolutionary perspective, courtship evolved as an adaptation to facilitate competing for mates.

For our ancient ancestors, those who were most socially calibrated ― in other words, those that had the best game ― were most likely to survive and reproduce.

How to Apply It

Game is both science and art. The science refers to acquiring knowledge about it. The art refers to how you personally apply the knowledge about it.

When it comes to game, there are endless behaviours and strategies that men can learn to enhance their romantic relationships and create Genuine Desire.

Some of the main concepts include exuding confidence, enhancing one’s Sexual Market Value, Demonstrating Higher Value, masculine Frame and Preselection. A full list can be found here.

Ultimately, the key is to identify, develop and then demonstrate behaviours and strategies that both create and maintain attraction with members of the opposite sex.

It’s also important to understand that game must always be applied covertly and never applied overtly. Applying it covertly signals one is secure within themselves. Applying it overtly signals that one is insecure within themselves.

Summary (TL;DR):

Game is a skill that is used to create and maintain attraction between partners. While everyone has it, what matters is how effective it is.

The key to applying it is to identify, develop and then demonstrate behaviours and strategies that are conducive to enhancing one’s desirability towards the opposite sex.