In this post, we’ll unpack all you need to know about Genuine Desire within the context of dating and relationships, defining exactly what it is, why it’s key to lasting attraction, how to create and maintain it and more.
What Is Genuine Desire?
Genuine Desire (GD) is a term often used within Red Pill circles that refers to a woman who is genuinely and authentically attracted to a man.
The Key To Lasting Attraction
Genuine Desire is key for creating and maintaining attraction and passion in a relationship. It signals to a man that a woman is genuinely and authentically attracted to him as opposed to just “settling.”
Furthermore, when a woman has GD for a man, she naturally falls into his Masculine Frame. Thus, men should always strive for GD within their relationships.
“There’s a different between ‘I want to have kids’ and ‘I want to have his kids.’ The latter indicates Genuine Desire for a particular man.” ― Rollo Tomassi
It Cannot Be Negotiated
Genuine Desire is never conferred on a woman. It is a feeling she gets that arises on its own accord, spontaneously. Therefore, it cannot be negotiated.
A woman with GD wants to please her man. A woman without GD feels like she has to.
Negotiating desire is rooted in reasoning and so any attempt to do so confirms to a woman that you are not a High Value Man. Furthermore, negotiation leads to obligated compliance and obligated compliance leads to resentment.
From an evolutionary perspective, a woman cannot afford to pass on the opportunity of a High Value Man. Thus, a woman who has GD for a man will openly demonstrate it through her behaviour by naturally wanting to submit to him.
“Negotiated desire only ever leads to obligated compliance.” — Rollo Tomassi
How To Create & Maintain Genuine Desire
GD must be roused covertly through actions instead of overtly through words. In doing so, a woman can experience it out of authentic desire and not obligated compliance.
Therefore, the key to both creating and maintaining Genuine Desire is to become a High Value Man by developing and then demonstrating characteristics associated with masculinity.
Always demonstrate, never explicate.
Summary (TL;DR)
Genuine Desire is a phrase used to describe a woman who is genuinely and authentically attracted to a man.
GD is essential for creating and maintaining attraction and passion in a relationship. However, it cannot be negotiated. It is something a woman must come to — or be led to — organically on her own volition.
The key to creating and maintaining it is to become a High Value Man by developing and then demonstrating characteristics associated with masculinity.