Masculine Frame In Red Pill Dating & Relationships Explained Simply

Masculine Frame (& The 3 Pillars) Explained – All You Need To Know

In this post, we’ll unpack all you need to know about Masculine Frame within the context of dating and relationships, defining exactly what it is, its role in evolution, the three pillars of Masculine Frame, why it is key for men and more.

What Is Frame?

Broadly speaking, Frame is a term often used within Red Pill communities that refers to how you perceive, experience and interact with the world around you.

What Is Masculine Frame?

Masculine Frame refers to how an individual embodies mental, emotional and physical characteristics that are associated with Masculinity.

Frame acts like a gravitational force, drawing people into a man’s orbit. At any particular time, we are always either operating within our own frame or someone else’s.

With a strong frame, everything you do looks good. With a weak frame, everything you do looks bad. Whoever controls the Frame in an interaction, thus controls the interaction. Whoever controls the Frame in a relationship, thus controls the relationship.

The stronger your frame, the more people want to enter your world.

Masculine Frame & Evolution

From an evolutionary perspective, a masculine Frame signals a man’s ability to protect and provide, thus enhancing survival and reproductive success.

Since the dawn of human history, women were dependant on men to enhance the survival of both themselves and their offspring. As a consequence:

  1. Men evolved to instinctively protect and provide for women.
  2. Women evolved to instinctively respect and submit to High Value Men.

Thus, men are to women as women are to children ― protection. Men were bestowed with the responsibility to protect women and the prerequisite to responsibility is authority.

“Women don’t see men. They see worlds. Women don’t marry men. They marry lifestyles.”

The 3 Pillars Of Masculine Frame

Masculine Frame is based on 3 core pillars. They are; Mental Frame, Emotional Frame and Physical Frame.

Mental Frame refers to everything that relates to your mental fitness. It’s about how you relate to the world from the level of your mind.

Emotional Frame refers to everything that relates to your emotional fitness. It’s about how you relate to the world from the level of your emotions.

Physical Frame refers to everything that relates to your physical fitness. It’s about how you relate to the world from the level of your body.

Ultimately, the key to Masculine Frame is to develop and then demonstrate mental, emotional and physical characteristics associated with masculinity.

3 Pillars Of Masculine Frame Infographic
The 3 Pillars Of Masculine Frame

The Key To Maintaining Passion

A strong Frame magnetises a woman towards a man. Women desire men with strong Frame because it makes them feel safe. The stronger a man’s Frame, the more a woman will be drawn towards him.

It is masculine energy, through Frame, that creates the container and establishes the boundaries which allows feminine energy to flow and flourish freely within. Therefore, for men, it is essential to maintain Frame in a relationship ― never overtly but always covertly.

A woman will always feel what a man feels (a phenomenon that related to mirror neurons). Thus, when a man successfully holds a dominant masculine Frame, it makes a woman feel safe which in turn allows her to fully express her femininity which in turn creates sexual polarity — an essential key to maximising chemistry, passion and attraction in a relationship.

However, when a man fails to hold a dominant masculine Frame, the woman will instinctively feel the need to assume the responsibility herself as a form of protection. This is the play of masculine and feminine energies.

Thus, men must always be aware of the subconscious balance of whose frame in which they are operating. Whenever you lose Frame, you must regain it again as quickly as possible.

The key to maintaining a relationship is maintaining Frame.

Masculine Frame & Fitness Tests

Fitness tests are a way for a woman to test and man’s Frame in order to gain information about your masculinity.

Women will subconsciously test your Frame because their sexual strategy of Hypergamy is based on doubt which unceasingly asks the question: “Is this the best I can do?”

Women test your Frame to verify whether you are who you portray yourself to be, because historically, investing in a man who was incompetent ultimately meant death for both her and her offspring.

Masculine frame provides the container necessary for a woman to feel safe enough to fully express her femininity.

Summary (TL;DR)

Masculine Frame refers to how someone embodies characteristics that are associated with Masculinity.

The three pillars of Masculine Frame are Mental Fitness which is about mastering one’s mind, Emotional Fitness which is about mastering one’s emotions and Physical Fitness which is about mastering one’s body.

By mastering Frame, you master the ability to control the relationship, create sexual polarity and allow a woman to feel safe in fully expressing her feminine nature.